I am still in a period in my life (and the same goes for the writer-fiance) where real life gets in the way of writing.
Right now he's getting back on the bandwagon with his writing after falling off for awhile during Spring vacation, a friend's wedding, March Madness, etc. I, on the other hand, have hardly been able to get back on the wagon, as evidenced by my sparse blogging. My job and other commitments are still kicking my butt, in addition to the fact that sometimes, when you're plugging along writing and waiting to get finished and start querying, there's just not as much to report on! I'm continuing to survive on an attitude of self-acceptance (or forgiveness?) and hope that when the school year ends I'll have more time to start blogging regularly again.
In the meantime, I have started one new project in an effort to get myself writing more again, even if it isn't about writing and publishing. I have joined Chicago Wedding Guide's Sassy Chicago Bride blog to start blogging about my wedding planning experience and other wedding and engagement related details. If you're interested in that subject, check out http://sassychicagobrides.blogspot.com. My entries can all be found by searching "SassyChiBride." My first entry is a simple introduction to me and the background of my wedding planning (for June 18th, 2011). Also, wedding-related updates and info (for me and others) will be posted on my new Twitter account, @sassychibride.
My personal writing lesson for this is that when life kicks your usual writing in the butt, find other creative outlets to keep you going until you get your desired routine back on the ground. :)
In Memoriam: Janet Reid
11 months ago
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