Monday, July 27, 2009

Library Cold Calls . . .

In an effort to continue to build relationships with librarians and reach new fans for his book, my significant other spent today calling individual libraries in and around the Chicago area (beginning with those who had stocked his thriller), to see if they were open to booking him for events such as Q&A's, book talks, or workshops. Topics could range from writing in general to his personal experiences to publishing and self-publishing. Timing was part of the equation, as he felt better about cold calling libraries after his book won a major award. So far the results are promising: 10 events are definitively scheduled. Based on this experience, I would recommend that new authors, whether self-published or traditionally published, consider what types of events they might be able to participate in at local libraries. It's a great way to establish yourself in a community, often earn compensation, and get your book(s) out.

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